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Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 4:46pm.
Port Environment Centre
The Port Environment Centre is a community driven organisation and ‘gathering place’ that supports the community in living sustainably, valuing, caring for, learning about and enjoying the experience of the natural coastal, marine and estuarine environment.
We believe that real change starts at the grassroots level. Our goal is to empower you with the resources, knowledge, and opportunities to actively participate in environmental conservation.
Community, Conservation, Environment, Gathering Place, Grassroots, Knowledge, Marine Ecosystem, Resources, SustainabilityFuture events happening here
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SundayDec 8 2024Eco Discussion Group
For our Eco Group Discussion, we will focus on: THE BUZZ LINE - Inviting wildness into our living spaces
Let the Flowers Grow – An inspiring look at how wild spaces in cities, like wildflower meadows and pollinator corridors, enhance urban biodiversity. Read here: Join us to share your thoughts on these short, eye-opening pieces.
Written by Melody Crouch who is a writer / poet / garden-grower from Boorloo (Perth) who shares earthy stories and how-to notes foraging, growing food, permaculture and earthcare through her articles called “Dirt Notes”
(Morning tea is provided)
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