About us
Seedbomb.au is ecosystem-wide calendar for non-commercial community run events for change makers that care about justice and our planet.
Seedbomb is maintained by local community members with the goal of encouraging more people to get along to important events.
We want visitors to be able to confidently attend events. Where we become aware that a group or event engages in harassment, toxic behaviour or discriminatory practices, our community moderators retain discretion to not list and event de-list events, venues and groups.
Notice for larger organisations and commercial organistions
Listings as free for organisation that have up to two (2) FTE paid staff member.
For larger organisations, access is available as part of a sponsorship package, this helps cover running and development costs.
For commercial organisations offering free or community focussed events, please reach out for approval. Sponsorship options will depend on the nature of the event and the organisation.