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Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 5:03pm.
The South Australian Council of Social Service is the peak representative body for the non-government community, social and health sectors. We have a proud history of mobilising to eliminate poverty, inequality and injustice in SA, and holding governments and decision-makers to account. We develop a fair and just community through our policy and advocacy solutions. We cultivate an informed and thriving community sector.
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TuesdayDec 10 2024SACOSS: Human Rights Day Briefing - (Human Rights Act for SA?)–
SACOSSSACOSS, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) and Rights Resource Network SA (RRNSA) are hosting an online briefing to talk about the importance of recognising and ensuring that everyone’s human rights are respected. We will also provide an overview and update on the campaign for a public inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia.
Hybrid Attendance: In person and online tickets available.