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This is the default venue to be used for 'Desk Actions'. Keeps them separate from the venue 'Online' which is for online events.



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  • Sunday
    Nov 3 2024
    Greater Adelaide Regional Plan - Consultation closing


    The State Planning Commission (the Commission) has released the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (the Plan) and want to hear from community, councils and industry on how we sustainably prepare for future growth.

    The Plan set outs a long-term vision for Greater Adelaide, detailing where people will live and work, how they will move around and where they will access services. It provides data and recommendations for managing growth and adapting to changes in our community and urban environment.

    Submission: You can fill their form or can be as simple as emailing them whatever you want to say. Emailing a submission to plansasubmissions@sa.gov.au with the subject line: Submission: Greater Regional Adelaide Plan

    Desk Action added by SAGE

    Here is the SAGE submission from the last round in November 2023. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KL04Xr77WIdicq58ozY5Q4pb-G97R7Vzrrh9EZNe4N4/edit?tab=t.0

    Seems they've ignored a lot including ignoring requests to have more rail and walkable cities. Requests to ensure that rails and trams are foregrounded in the plans is very valuable.

    Also requesting that young people are seeking affordable multi-story living within a short (20min) commute of the city

    (Dont say "15 min cities", its a right-wing trigger word now)
