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Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 2:45pm.
Tiwu Kumangka
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SaturdayJun 8 2024Repair Cafe @ Tiwu Kumangka
The Adelaide Repair Cafe is part of a global community dedicated to fixing broken household items & reducing our collective impact on the environment.
Save money by reusing or repurposing. Reduce your waste and gain a skill! Come along and help build a resilient community in these challenging times.
We welcome one item per repair booking: electronic appliances, clothing and textile repairs (Repairs only - no hemming of new items). Items must be small enough to carry. (No Whitegood such as mircowaves can not be booked for repair as these are high risk items)
The Repair Cafe requests that you remain while the repair is being carried out, to assist with repair and learn new skills. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking as these sessions are in high demand.
The City of Mitcham welcomes all to this FREE event.
Sessions are aimed at 18+ (Children are required to have parent/ guardian supervision)
Access to Tiwu Kumangka: Accessible carparks are available via the entrance on Young Street, with a sealed pathway to the building. Additional carparking available via Edwards Street carpark and on-street parking.
Please be aware that the external area of Tiwu Kumangka is still being upgraded.
WednesdayMay 29 2024Let's Talk Kaurna Workshop
Learn Kaurna with educator Jack Buckskin as part of National Reconciliation Week.
Hosted by Jack Buckskin, ‘Let’s Talk Kaurna’ workshops will be held on Wednesday 29 May, Wednesday 5 June and Wednesday 12 June at Tiwu Kumangka. Workshops will be held from 6.30pm to 7.30pm and cost $20 per session, or $45 for all three sessions.