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Email Malinauskas: Dump Santos from the Tour Down Under




Love the race but not the Santos greenwash? Here's an easy way to take action: Copy and paste this brief email to our Premier Peter Malinauskas ...

🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Dump Santos from the Tour Down Under Dear Premier Malinauskas I love the Tour Down Under but the sponsor is Not On. Santos gas fuels extreme climate-change impacts like mega droughts, floods and wildfires, and its blatant greenwashing shames our Renewable Energy State. Santos makes multi billion $ profits and doesn’t employ many people. It is expanding its gas operations to sell overseas, forcing domestic gas prices through the roof, and causing catastrophic amounts of CO2 to be pumped into the atmosphere. Burning heat endangers riders, spectators and the sport we love. So please Dump Santos from the Tour Down Under and find a better sponsor. Kind regards {Add your name here.} 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

Make any adjustments or additions you like. Then send it to Premier@SA.gov.au

