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Culture: The Life of our City (10 yr strategic plan) - Give Community Feedback to Adelaide City Council




The City of Adelaide is developing a new Cultural Policy aimed at promoting and strengthening the city’s unique cultural identity and opportunities. A Cultural Policy will provide the framework for future decisions in relation to culture.

The development of a Cultural Policy must have the community it serves at its core. Culture, just like the city, is about people, and so the Cultural Policy will be developed through stages of consultation and planning.

Your input is crucial!

We’re in the early stages, and we need your feedback to strengthen, clarify or expand on the Themes and Priorities we’ve shared in our discussion paper.

Your feedback will guide the development of the Cultural Policy and help ensure the final policy reflects your vision and views for the cultural life of Adelaide through to 2036.

The project has two main stages:

Stage 1: Gathering insights and feedback from the community that will help shape the draft Cultural Policy.
Stage 2: Asking for feedback on the draft Cultural Policy, to check we've got it right!

The Cultural Policy will outline Council’s role, its vision, goals and priorities, and how it will evaluate and communicate the impact of its investment and efforts towards a culturally vibrant, socially inclusive and equitable city. Culture and creativity are critical to the City of Adelaide’s future prosperity, wellbeing and social cohesion, and the City of Adelaide is a custodian of this future.

We are currently in Stage 1 of the project. Feedback closes 5:00pm, Friday, 31 January 2025.

Complete the survey to enter the prize draw for a chance to WIN one of three $100 Adelaide Central Market Vouchers.

